[UPDATED] After Being Evicted For Filming Meth-Slamming Porn Videos, Racist Ghoul Billy Santoro Admits His Suicide Attempt Was A Lie: “It Was An Ingrown Hair”

Posted December 6, 2020 by with 26 comments

This story has been updated below.

While this likely won’t come as a surprise to anyone, disgraced racist gay porn troll Billy Santoro has finally admitted that the “suicide” he attempted over the summer was indeed staged, and he in fact never tried to kill himself, unfortunately.

As you’ll recall, Santoro posed for photos like the one above following the phony suicide, appearing to be in a hospital with an IV in his arm. The photos were then used in tweets from his equally grotesque husband, who captioned one tweet with the message, “Last night the man that I love so dearly attempted suicide based on the hate he received. I please ask you to stop.”

The “hate” that psychotic Gage Santoro mentions was not hate, but rather was rightful criticism of Santoro for writing that Americans should “shoot blacks” who were protesting the murder of George Floyd.

Today, Billy Santoro has admitted that the phony suicide attempt—after claiming to be “attacked” for his racism—was completely made up by him and his sociopathic husband. When one Twitter user replied to another tweet of Santoro’s and mentioned the “failed suicide attempt,” Santoro responded that there was “no suicide attempt, it was an ingrown hair removal”:

Being an unabashed racist was one thing, but now admitting to lying about trying to kill himself because of the rightful anger over that racism is a deranged kind of evil that can only be described as inhuman. This is a sick, sick piece of filth.

Last week, the Santoros were evicted from their Sydney, Australia apartment for filming illegal sex videos on OnlyFans that featured Santoro shooting up methamphetamine. While it’s not clear where the couple is living now, their gruesome OnlyFans account is still active, despite containing videos in direct violation of the company’s terms of service.


More bad news for the Santoros, as OnlyFans appears to have disabled their account today. Or, the Santoros may have pulled it down themselves or changed their account name. (If they show up on the platform under another name, this story will be updated.) Either way, for now, this is good to see:

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