Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Sandy Hook Families $1 Billion

Posted October 12, 2022 by with 27 comments

While he doesn’t have a billion dollars, this verdict will hopefully put the psychotic ghoul out of business forever (or, even better, the stress of the verdict will cause Jones to drop dead when his brain explodes). Via AP:

The conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay $965 million to people who suffered from his false claim that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax, a jury in Connecticut decided Wednesday.

The verdict is the second big judgment against the Infowars host over his relentless promotion of the lie that the 2012 massacre never happened, and that the grieving families seen in news coverage were actors hired as part of a plot to take away people’s guns.

It came in a lawsuit filed by the relatives of five children and three educators killed in the mass shooting, plus an FBI agent who was among the first responders to the scene. A Texas jury in August awarded nearly $50 million to the parents of another slain child.


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