Will Solo Model Alex Mecum Ever Do Hardcore Gay Porn?

Posted August 13, 2014 by with 11 comments

34Legend Men’s Alex Mecum has stroked his cock in two solo videos, and he’s had his cock stroked by another man in one “duo” video. Now, Legend Men has released yet another solo cock stroking video with Alex Mecum, which means you can see Alex Mecum stroke his cock by himself three times and with another man one time.


Will Alex Mecum ever have a butt or a mouth wrapped around his cock, or will it always be hands?


I only ask the question because, duh, look at him. This is arguably the most physically perfect man in gay porn today, and yet…he’s done no actual hardcore gay porn (unless you count masturbating as hardcore gay porn, which I don’t).


Alex Mecum has already busted a huge nut all over himself, so why not bust a nut onto someone else?


Alex Mecum is openly gay (something of a rarity in today’s gay porn), he’s already been in a scene with another man, and he’s already busted a nut on his own face, so what’s stopping him from going “all the way”?


There were those two brief moments in his duo scene when it looked like things might go all the way (Alex sort of got his ass played with and then he sucked dick for less than two minutes), but then he didn’t.

alexalec2 alexalec3

If Alex Mecum ever did do hardcore gay porn, do you think he’d be a top or a bottom?


I’m guessing (hoping) he’d be a top.


Then again, a bottom would be OK, too.


I’ll keep monitoring LegendMen for updates, but in the meantime, a clip from Alex Mecum’s recent solo:

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

[LegendMen.com: Alex Mecum]



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