Another Scab: Bill Maher To Bring Real Time Back Without Writers

Posted September 13, 2023 by with 9 comments

Not really a surprise, given that Bill Maher is a delusional, narcissistic, and out-of-touch ghoul who’s been stuck in the 1990’s for the last 25 years. His HBO talk show has turned into a platform for bigots and lunatics (with Maher himself often being the lunatic bigot), so expect to see a lot more of that garbage when he crosses the picket line to be a scab for his own worthless show. His statement is above, and the WGA’s reaction below is via Deadline:

The guild has called Maher’s decision “disappointing” and said that it would picket the show, which is filmed at Television City in LA.

“Bill Maher’s decision to go back on the air while his Guild is on strike is disappointing. If he goes forward with his plan, he needs to honor more than ‘the spirit of the strike’. Bill Maher is obligated as a WGA member to follow the strike rules and not perform any writing services. It is difficult to imagine how Real Time with Bill Maher can go forward without a violation of WGA strike rules taking place. WGA will be picketing this show,” it said in a statement.

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