Anyone Care? Man Arrested For Pointing Rifle Through Fence Where Trump Was Playing Golf

Posted September 15, 2024 by with 8 comments

Another so-called assassination attempt on the psychotic orange pig? Same old tired playbook. The guy arrested today didn’t fire any shots at Trump and was nowhere near him, but Secret Service agents who were patrolling the golf course where Trump was playing spotted the man with a rifle poking through a fence, and they fired shots at him. This caused the man to flee, but they arrested him without incident down the road a few minutes later. Via NBC:

Trump has spent his entire adult life inciting deadly riots, raping multiple women, calling for innocent people to be executed, and provoking a variety of violent acts with his hate speech, blatant lies, and deranged rants, so please wake me when someone finally gets a direct hit on the dumb son of a bitch and takes him out once and for all. Until then, no one cares.

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