Liam Riley: “I’m Very Horny, And I Want To Get Fucked”

Posted January 26, 2017 by with 39 comments

dg1a7350Liam Riley’s first gay porn scene of 2017 is here, and frankly, it is iconic.

dg1a7158Liam’s narration (seen in trailer below) explaining how he ends up seducing scene partner Arad Winwin might be my favorite part, and it concludes with Liam serving some fun facts: “I’m very horny, and I want to get fucked.”


CockyBoys chose to film part of this scene in the shower:

dg1a7063 dg1a7163 dg1a7191If you enjoy diverse pairings, the Liam/Arad combo obviously brings together two performers with distinct differences. Although, they are very much the same in terms of how well they both know how to fuck.

dg1a7219 dg1a7276 dg1a7297aradliam1

The shower portion is followed by a fuckfest on the bed with some fluorescent lighting (which could just be light from a TV, but it still looks cool).

aradliam2dg1a7326aradliam4At first I thought the lighting might be a distraction, but it isn’t. It adds some subtle style, making this visually unique and more than a traditional hotel room sex scene. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[CockyBoys: Arad Winwin Fucks Liam Riley]

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