Beloved California Clothing Store Owner And Mother Of 9 Shot Dead Over Gay Pride Flag

Posted August 20, 2023 by with 10 comments

Lake Arrowhead is a small town in San Bernardino County, California, and while this area (along with basically everywhere in inland CA) is full of horrific right-wing MAGA bigots, there are still plenty of people, including this poor victim, who are kind and welcoming to everyone. And Lake Arrowhead just had a small Pride festival earlier this summer, so it’s not as if the gay Pride flag was something new or previously unseen in town. The beloved shop owner was a mother of nine children, and the reports below about her murder are heartbreaking.

This is what it’s come to in our society, thanks to Republicans who’ve mobilized their violent and psychotic cult members by vilifying gays. Is this 1973 or 2023? I guess it’s somewhat reassuring to hear that the killer was shot dead, but there are of course thousands more who will take his place.

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