Beverly Hills 90210 Actor Beaten By Mob Of Miniature Bikers On Hollywood Blvd.

Posted January 1, 2024 by with 17 comments

First of all, happy new year to everyone.

Gang warfare, road rage, and any kind of random violence in the middle of the street is of course a common daily occurrence in Los Angeles (or anywhere in the United States), but the twist here is that the man being beaten by a mob of bikers is actor Ian Ziering, a.k.a. Steve Sanders of Beverly Hills 90210. Video of the assault yesterday on Hollywood Blvd.:

How did the person all the way across the street know to begin filming several seconds before anything was happening?

It’s not clear what caused the fight (TMZ thinks one of the bikers clipped Ziering’s car and pissed him off), but after pushing pause and watching the video a few times, it looks like Ziering gets out of his grey SUV and throws the first punch, along with a kick, at one of the bikers, but then all of the other bikers of course jump in and beat the shit out of Ziering while chasing him across the iconic (but now completely decimated and rundown) street.


Also, I guess these aren’t really bikers. The things they’re riding are like miniature scooters, or something. And the heavyset one with the green helmet looks like a woman?

There are a lot of funny moments in the clip, like when the guy in the blue hoodie somehow trips over his own feet and falls flat on his ass:




As seen above, Blue Hoodie Guy and Big Girl come back. Big Girl looks like she’s attempting to hit Ziering with some kind of weapon in her hand, but she’s so out of shape, she can barely hold herself up and collapses on a nearby car. Ziering holds his own fairly well against all three mini bikers, and he’s able to run off as the crowd of onlookers just stands there and, of course, does nothing whatsoever to help.


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