Biden Administration May Reinstate Trump Policy Of Detaining Migrant Families At Border

Posted March 7, 2023 by with 2 comments



Via TheHill:

Progressives and immigration advocates are appalled by President Biden’s reported consideration of a border policy that would hold migrant families in detention facilities and break one of his central campaign pledges to voters.

If reinstated, the move would set a hardline tone from Democrats for the 2024 election season on how migrants are treated at the border, blurring the differences over the issue with former President Donald Trump and Republicans.

Trump used a tough stance and strict rhetoric to gin up his base against Hillary Clinton in 2016 and carried it throughout his time in the Oval Office.

Talk of building a “wall” along the Mexican border became his signature.

Biden said he would offer a different position and Democrats embraced much of what he promised.


“It’s infuriating,” Setareh Ghandehari, who serves as advocacy director at the pro-immigration coalition Detention Watch Network, told The Hill.

“He specifically made several statements condemning Trump’s use of family detention and family separation and promised to do something different and specifically end family detention,” said Ghandehari. “And what we’ve seen is a continual walking back of his promises.”


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