Biden Tests Positive For COVID Again

Posted July 30, 2022 by with 1 comment

They say this rarely happens (a “rebound” case) when someone takes the antiviral Paxlovid, and yet it sure does seem to happen a lot! Dr. Fauci experienced the same rebound infection when he took the drug. Maybe it’s like one of those pesky “breakthrough infections” they talked about way back in the beginning (notice no one uses the term “breakthrough infections” anymore, lol), referring to people who might “rarely” be infected after being vaccinated. I’m triple vaxxed and would probably take Paxlovid if I got infected, but the constantly changing narratives about the efficacy of the various treatments aren’t very reassuring, especially for the unvaxxed who might be considering getting the shots. Via CNBC:

President Joe Biden on Saturday tested positive for Covid-19 once again after consecutive days of testing negative for the virus, his physician said.

Biden, 79, is experiencing no new symptoms and “continues to feel quite well,” Dr. Kevin O’Connor said in a memo shared by the White House.

But he will nevertheless “reinitiate strict isolation procedures,” the presidential physician wrote.

O’Connor had previously warned of the potential for a “rebound” in positive test results, a phenomenon among a small percentage of patients who, like Biden, used the antiviral medication Paxlovid as part of their treatment.

Biden had accordingly “increased his testing cadence, both to protect people around him and to assure early detection of any return of viral replication,” O’Connor wrote in the latest memo, which was made public Saturday afternoon.

The president tested negative for Covid on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but tested positive on Saturday morning from an antigen test. “This is fact represents ‘rebound’ positivity,” the doctor wrote.


Maybe Biden should take his own CDC’s advice and actually get some rest while he’s infected, instead of continuing to “work remotely” during his isolation, like he did before? If your body is fighting off a virus, why would you insist on saying that you’re still working (albeit remotely), like so many politicians keep doing? Most of these people are pushing 80 years old. Get some fucking rest!

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