Gay Porn Before And After: Blake Mitchell 2014 Vs. 2018

Posted June 17, 2018 by with 67 comments

Blake-Mitchell-Photo-Shoot-040Dads are usually the only ones who receive presents on Father’s Day, but we’re getting a gift of our own today thanks to this jaw-dropping Blake Mitchell photo shoot from Helix Studios and photographer Alejandro Palomares:



Blake-Mitchell-Photo-Shoot-037 Blake-Mitchell-Photo-Shoot-039 Blake-Mitchell-Photo-Shoot-041The photo above might be my favorite Blake Mitchell photo of all time (it’s easily my favorite non-glasses Blake Mitchell photo of all time), but the whole set is stunning, down to every pose, every accessory, and every detail.

Remember Blake Mitchell in 2014? A lot can change in four years. Blake 2014 (on the left) vs. Blake 2018 (on the right):

blm0Blake has not only gone from twink to hunk, he’s also excelled as a performer and become one of the most recognizable models working today, with a diverse group of fans from every walk of life.

Blake Mitchell serving 2018 executive realness vs. Blake Mitchell in his very first scene, in 2014:


The new photo shoot features several photos of Blake stripped out of the suit in various settings, including the pool. Jesus Christ:

Blake-Mitchell-Photo-Shoot-028 Blake-Mitchell-Photo-Shoot-025 Blake-Mitchell-Photo-Shoot-019Coincidentally, Blake’s latest YouTube video was released last week, and in it he watches and commentates on his very first porn scene from 2014 (which was with Andy Taylor), with special guest Davey Wavey:

For fun, I went back and looked at Str8Up’s very first Blake Mitchell post, which briefly introduced him and talked about his first scene. I was already starting to stan four years ago, and here’s what was said back in December of 2014:


And ICYMI, the trailer for Blake’s scene (watch full scene here):

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[Helix: Blake Mitchell Fucks Andy Taylor]

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