Guy With Glasses And Gargantuan Cock Makes Gay Porn Debut

Posted December 23, 2014 by with 14 comments

blake mitchell gay porn

There is pretty much nothing hotter than a horse-hung guy with glasses and a boner. Speaking of which, here is a horse-hung guy with glasses and a boner. His name is Blake Mitchell (photos via Twitter).

blake 220-year-old Blake Mitchell hails from Kentucky.

blake 3Blake Mitchell is making his gay porn studio debut today with Helix, where they shot him without his glasses.

The fuck?

Take-it-from-Blake-001This makes literally no sense whatsoever.

blake 5

The only thing I can think is that maybe his glasses kept falling off when he was fucking Andy Taylor, so they just had him remove them altogether?

Take-it-from-Blake-033If Blake Mitchell isn’t wearing glasses in his next Helix scene, it’ll be clear that there is some kind of big-dicked guy with glasses discrimination going on.

Trailer for Blake Mitchell fucking Andy Taylor (watch full scene here):

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[Helix Studios: Blake Mitchell Fuck Andy Taylor]


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