Bombshell Lawsuit Against Ricky Martin Seeks Over $3M In Unpaid Commissions To Manager

Posted June 29, 2022 by with 3 comments

Ricky Martin’s former talent manager says she’s owed over $3,000,000 in unpaid commissions, and her lawsuit feels particularly nasty, even for Hollywood. The former manager, Rebecca Drucker, cites several examples of incidents in which she worked to protect Martin and his career, including this potentially “catastrophic” allegation made against Martin in 2020, which Drucker says required a defense attorney and caused Martin to “collapse”:

Rebecca not only acted to advance Martin’s career but also rendered services to protect it. In one example among many, in or around September 2020, Martin received a letter from a highly-respected litigation attorney in Los Angeles, California. Rebecca stood next to Martin as they read the legal letter for the first time. In that letter, the attorney threatened to publicly file a legal complaint against Martin if he did not pay money to resolve a claim against him alleged by this attorney’s client. After reading the legal letter, Martin collapsed. He expressed his extreme fear to Rebecca that if this threat were carried out, the consequences to Martin would be catastrophic.

In response, Rebecca quickly brought in one of the top defense attorneys in Los Angeles who Rebecca had previously retained for a client. Based on Rebecca’s advice, Martin retained this prominent litigator to defend against this devastating claim. Needless to say, the claim ultimately never saw the light of day. Once again, Rebecca saved Martin’s career with the exceptional managerial and advisory services that she provided to him during this ordeal.

No word on what this “catastrophic” claim might be, but if Drucker is mentioning it in her suit, I would assume she still has the letter and could provide it as proof, if Martin doesn’t pay up. (Then again, mentioning the “devastating” claim in the lawsuit kind of feels like a form of blackmail??)

More details from the lawsuit—which also alleges that Martin created “a toxic work environment” with “a particularly ugly incident in Dubai,” and has a “personal life…in disarray,” including “Martin’s nonpayment of taxes, and his substance abuse”— are here at Deadline.

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