Powerbottom Brad Chase Can’t Stop Sitting On Giant Cocks!

Posted April 18, 2016 by with 14 comments

brad chaseHelix Studios exclusive and Str8UpGayPorn’s current reigning Twink Of The Year Kyle Ross might have some friendly competition when it comes to expertly riding giant cocks, and that competition comes via fellow Helix powerbottom Brad Chase. Here is a quick look back at just some of the giant cocks on which Brad Chase has impaled himself.

Introducing-Brad-Chase-034In August, Brad Chase rode Kody Knight’s giant cock:


In September, Brad Chase rode Oliver Hudson’s giant cock bareback:


In November, Brad Chase rode Evan Parker and Troy Ryan’s giant cocks:


Last month, Brad Chase took Blake Mitchell’s giant cock:


Just last week, Brad Chase rode Calvin Banks’ huge cock bareback:


And that brings us to today, with Brad Chase expertly riding yet another giant cock. This time, Aiden Garcia is the lucky horse-hung top:


Whose giant cock will Brad Chase ride next? Based on the preview image below, it’s the giant cock belonging to newcomer Ryan Bailey. Gulp…

CgMXf4mUYAAswZ6Stay tuned for that, and in the meantime, Brad’s scene today with Aiden Garcia (watch full scene here):

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[Helix: Aiden Garcia Fucks Brad Chase]

[Helix: Brad Chase’s Complete Filmography]


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