Brawl Breaks Out In Downtown L.A. On 110 Freeway During Anti-War Protest

Posted December 13, 2023 by with 0 comments

Palestinians might not have food, water, or medicine, but think of how bad it must’ve been for the poor commuters in southern California today. Thousands of motorists were stuck in traffic in downtown L.A. this morning when anti-war protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza sat in the middle of the 110 freeway, completely blocking cars from passing. And, of course, a brawl broke out between motorists and the protesters:

If that motorist (who nonchalantly walked away after body-slamming a protester onto the concrete after beating him on top of a car) thinks an L.A. traffic jam is frustrating, I wonder how he might react to having his whole family murdered by an Israeli rocket?

The protesters were eventually arrested and led away by CHP, but here’s more from before they were removed:

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