HOT MESS: Dakota Wolfe, Tom Faulk, And Brenner Bolton Star In’s Most Ratchet Gay Porn Orgy Yet
Leave it to to take some (well, at least one or two) of the hottest guys in gay porn today, dump them all in an orgy, and still have it be one of the most unintentionally hilarious/ratchet fuckfests of all time.
You know you’re in for a treat when the scene starts out with Dakota Wolfe in some kind of physical altercation with one of the other “cowboys.” It must have been so weird for him, actually fighting with someone face to face instead of on Twitter.
Then, things go from LOL to UGH when we see who Dakota’s top is: Jason Maddox. As fat as his cock is and as big as his balls are, after watching this scene, it’s clear that Jason is intent on retaining his title as Worst Top Of 2015.
Luckily, powerbottom extraordinaire Brenner Bolton and his insane lust for cock make up for every dull moment in this orgy. Brenner could be fucking one of the dead tree trunks behind him (and he might as well be while he’s riding Jason Maddox) and it would still be sexy. Brenner brings out the hot slut in everyone, and for that we should all be grateful.
But don’t even get me started on this:
Also? is literally the #1 gay porn site in the entire world with millions of dollars to spend on production, and yet all these gay porn stars look like they’re wearing Woody costumes from ToysRUs and children’s cowboy boots from Party City.
Never change,
Trailer (watch full scene here):
[ Cowboy Orgy]