8 People React To The Combined Hotness Of Brent Corrigan And Darius Ferdynand

Posted January 9, 2015 by with 24 comments

brent darius

Today, Falcon has released what has to be one of their best flip-fuck scenes in recent memory. Easily the best in the last year (Ryan Rose and Landon Conrad’s flip-fuck in early 2014 was the last really good one), this flip-fuck features Darius Ferdynand and Brent Corrigan taking turns fucking each other next to a pool (thank God, btw, that Falcon is finally out of the empty rooms with the ugly shoes and fuck boxes). Darius Ferdynand always looks insanely sexy, but here he looks almost inhumanly sexy. And, this is by far the most flawlessly hot that Brent Corrigan has ever looked.

Separately, Brent Corrigan and Darius Ferdynand’s hotness is off the charts. Together? It’s TMTH, TBH!! Obviously, I’m not alone in this opinion, and here are eight other people reacting similarly to the combined hotness of Brent and Darius.






55787_12398 Poolside trailer (full scene here):

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[Falcon Studios: Brent Corrigan And Darius Ferdynand Flip-Fuck]



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