Britney Spears Audition Video For Rachel McAdams Role In The Notebook Leaks

Posted October 23, 2023 by with 3 comments

This was leaked today to tabloid Daily Mail, obviously by the Spears camp as promo for Britney Spears’ upcoming memoir, in which, among other things, she and her ghostwriter reveal that she aborted Justin Timberlake’s baby. Relevant passage from Spears’ memoir:

The Notebook casting came down to me and Rachel McAdams, and even though it would have been fun to reconnect with Ryan Gosling after our time on The Mickey Mouse Club, I’m glad I didn’t do it,” Spears recalled in her memoir The Woman in Me.” “If I had, instead of working on my album In the Zone, I’d have been acting like a 1940s heiress day and night.”

I never saw the original The Notebook, thankfully, so I have no idea if Spears would’ve done a better job than Rachel McAdams. I highly doubt it. Either way, it looks like she obviously would’ve been awful, given the Nickelodeon sitcom-style acting in the audition clip.

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