Gay Porn Before & After: Bruce Beckham

Posted June 1, 2016 by with 54 comments

bruce 4Gay porn star Bruce Beckham made his gay porn debut all the way back in 2004, and was active for several years as an exclusive for Duckface’s studio before retiring in 2008. Now, almost eight years later, he’s making a return to the industry, and his first comeback scene is with Titan. Before we get to that, when was we hotter?

On the left, Bruce Beckham in 2005. On the right, fast forward 11 years and it’s Bruce Beckham today.

bruce 1 bruce 3 bruce 2Have a preference?


Bruce Beckham’s Titan scene today is a flip-fuck with Dallas Steele, and he has forthcoming work with Chi Chi LaRue—who helped get him out of retirement— as well. Big-dicked daddy alert:

blue_action_BruceDallas_0602 blue_DallasSteele_2490 blue_BruceBeckham_2374 blue_DallasSteele_2584blue_action_BruceDallas_0715 blue_action_BruceDallas_0727 blue_action_BruceDallas_0743 blue_action_BruceDallas_0841 blue_action_BruceDallas_0867 blue_sc1_BruceDallas_010 blue_sc1_BruceDallas_018This movie, Blueprint, is serving 1990’s gay porn realness with its corny plot, dialog, and acting. Even the house and the clothes feel like 1998. This is what Titan’s target audience wants and expects, I guess. At the same time, the dicks and the bodies and the fucking are all very much on point, so there’s something worthwhile for everyone here. Trailer (full scene here):

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[Titan: Dallas Steele And Bruce Beckham Flip-Fuck]


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