California Animal Farm Hosting “Turkey Cuddling” Event On Thanksgiving

Posted October 20, 2022 by with 0 comments

WTF, via Sacramento Bee:

A California farm is taking its “reverence for all life” to the next level by hosting a turkey cuddling event on Thanksgiving. Turkeys are affectionate, The Gentle Barn insists, and for $50 visitors can spend 90 minutes getting to know one better … hugging it, feeding it treats and making small talk. The Santa Clarita-based farm is offering these therapeutic sessions at all three of its locations, with $25 fees at farms in Nashville, Tennessee, and St. Louis, Missouri.

“We are inviting you on Thanksgiving Day to cuddle our turkeys,” The Gentle Barn said in a news release. “Celebrate life, love, and liberty with our majestic turkeys who should have been cherished throughout history for their intelligence, affection, and dynamic personalities.”

None of the farm’s turkeys will end up on plates, and the barn hopes the event convinces others to change their tradition of roasting the birds.


I’m all for vegetarianism, loving animals, and not eating turkey on Thanksgiving, but this is obviously taking things too far. I could maybe see hanging out with some little pigs or cows, but freaky birds like turkeys are not the kind of creatures I want to spend time with, let alone “cuddle” (or “make small talk” with? what in God’s name would that conversation entail?). Make no mistake: These birds are notorious for being psychopaths. Who could forget “Terrible Tom” from 2011:

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