California’s Newsom Launches Attack Ad In Florida Against DeSantis
California is a disaster, with homelessness, crime, wildfires, drought, and decay in full view in every city from San Diego to San Francisco. And yet, for some reason, I still like Gavin Newsom? Maybe it’s the fact that, despite his failures, I do believe he’s still a progressive liberal at heart. Or, maybe it’s his give-no-fucks attitude and the way he effortlessly humiliates conservatives. This weekend, for example, Newsom is running a campaign ad in Florida (not California, Florida) to remind voters there of just how horrifying their governor is. Is this a preview of the 2024 election, after Biden either drops out or dies? Fingers crossed…
We’re about to celebrate Independence Day — but Freedom is under attack by Republican leaders in states like Florida.
Banning books.
Restricting speech.
Making it harder to vote.
Criminalizing women and doctors.It’s time to stand up. Don’t let them take your freedom.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) July 3, 2022
The visuals and messaging in the ad are of course a complete joke to anyone struggling to survive in California, but you have to admire the audacity and Newsom’s ability to make it seem like everything is fine here. That said, California is still better than Florida, so dear god, if anyone in Florida is reading this, do not come here and make things even worse.