Cameron Parks And Tyler Hill Have A Romantic Fuckfest In The Vegas Nights Finale

Posted January 5, 2019 by with 11 comments

Vegas-Nights-Part-Six-014Cameron Parks and Tyler Hill are finally fucking one-on-one in the Vegas Nights finale today, and this intimate, romantic fuckfest will be worth the wait for fans of either star, and for everyone who’s been watching the movie.

Vegas-Nights-Part-Six-018 Vegas-Nights-Part-Six-027 Vegas-Nights-Part-Six-028Vegas Nights, Helix’s first feature since the award-winning Lifeguards, was directed by Alex Roman and written by Taylor Saracen, and this duo was the perfect finale, given that Tyler Hill and Cameron Parks were the powercouple to root for throughout the entire movie.

Vegas-Nights-Part-Six-029 Vegas-Nights-Part-Six-030

Cameron Parks was the heart and soul of the six-part feature, appearing in every single episode as the introspective limo driver, and he’s finally found love in today’s final episode.

Vegas-Nights-Part-Six-031It’s barely January, but Parks’ understated performance makes him an early contender for a Best Actor nomination this year. The movie itself, which was gorgeously shot with a subtle yet fully engrossing script, will undoubtedly be in contention at all the upcoming award shows, too. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Helix’s Vegas Nights: Cameron Parks Fucks Tyler Hill Bareback]

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