CDC Warns Gay And Bisexual Men Of Meningitis Outbreak

Posted April 9, 2022 by with 6 comments

Move over COVID. The CDC is warning of a meningitis outbreak in Florida (of course), and it’s mainly affecting gay and bisexual men, including those living with HIV. Via TheHill:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a health warning about an outbreak of meningococcal disease in Florida, which the agency said is mainly affecting gay and bisexual men, including those living with HIV.

The CDC urged gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men to get the MenACWY vaccine if they live in Florida. It also recommended that those planning to visit Florida talk with their healthcare provider about getting the vaccine

Florida’s Department of Health (FDOH) said on Thursday that the number of cases identified so far in 2022 surpasses the five-year average of meningococcal disease cases in the state.

It urged college and university students, immunocompromised individuals, people living with HIV and men who have sex with men to get vaccinated against the disease immediately.

[TheHill: CDC warns of meningococcal disease outbreak in Florida primarily affecting gay, bi men]

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