Chiquita Bananas Found Liable For Murder Of 8 People By Right-Wing Terror Group

Posted June 12, 2024 by with 6 comments

What’s next, Sunkist Oranges being exposed for funding the Catholic church’s global pedophile ring? And here I thought the worst that could happen with a banana would be slipping on the peel. Turns out, Chiquita was funding a right-wing paramilitary group in Colombia. Via CNN:

A Florida jury on Monday found banana company Chiquita Brands International liable for financing the Colombian paramilitary group Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC).

The jury in the civil case, in federal court in the Southern District of Florida, found that “Chiquita knowingly provided substantial assistance to the AUC to a degree sufficient to create a foreseeable risk of harm to others.”

Chiquita, one of the world’s largest banana producers, has been ordered to pay a total of $38.3 million to the families of eight victims of the AUC, which was a far-right paramilitary group that was designated a terrorist organization by the US.


There’s more at the link in terms of Chiquita’s motives, and it sounds like it all came down to money, of course. The terror group was being paid off by Chiquita for years, presumably so they could freely grow/harvest more bananas(??) in Colombia.

Chiquita Bananas involvement with right-wing terrorists goes back several decades, and here’s a discussion of another case from 2018 that Chiquita settled, when executives were accused of crimes against humanity:

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