Chris Damned, Cody Seiya, And Felix Fox Train Fuck Bareback In An Office Christmas Party Conga Line With Their Co-Workers

Posted December 10, 2021 by with 24 comments

Today in people having gay bareback sex in front of an entire room full of people without anyone noticing, it’s an office Christmas party fuckfest starring Chris Damned, Cody Seiya, Felix Fox, and four of’s most infamous extras. (The two women played the girlfriends in Str8Up readers’ most beloved gay porn scene of 2021, “Buttering His Popcorn.”)

As you’ll see in the trailer below, Chris Damned is inexplicably in his underwear at the office party (and no one seems to care or thinks it’s odd?), and the first instance of public sex in this scene features Felix Fox butt fucking Cody Seiya, while Cody is hidden by a podium. Later, they move to fuck behind a wall of cabinets, and when Chris sees what they’re doing, he joins in on the fun and the train fucking begins.


When the office co-workers start a conga line (do people still do conga lines at office parties? do people still work in offices? I thought everyone worked from home now due to COVID), they spot Cody, Chris, and Felix, who are pulled into the fun. offx3a Somehow, the co-workers don’t realize that the three guys are actually fucking (not to mention the fact that they are all completely naked????), and everyone continues dancing. Is every single extra in a scene legally blind?


I guess it’s hard to do the conga when you’ve got a dick in your ass (I wouldn’t know—I’ve never tried), and the guys end up falling down. At this point, everyone finally realizes what’s going on. Also? One of the other co-workers is drunk and pissing in the middle of the room.


Maybe this is what it’s like to work in’s corporate office in Canada.

The pissing and fucking freaks everyone out, and once the extras leave, the trio can focus on fucking and making each other cum, which includes two facials for Felix.

offx5If Christmas is two weeks away and they’re already dropping scenes like this, what in God’s name is Men going to release on Christmas eve? Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Chris Damned, Felix Fox, And Cody Seiya Fuck Bareback]

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