Chris Damned Fists Nate Grimes Elbow-Deep In “Bred By The Mobster”

Posted September 28, 2021 by with 23 comments

cdn0It’s time for one of Bromo’s most intense fisting scenes of all time, with Chris Damned going nearly elbow-deep into Nate Grimes, who shows what an incomparable fisting bottom he truly is.


I’m not into fisting and never have been, but these two look so fucking hot doing this, maybe I actually am into fisting after all?


Only someone as devastatingly handsome as Chris Damned could appear so soothing and romantic while simultaneously rearranging someone’s guts.


An elbow and an asshole making love is not something I thought I needed to see today, but here we are, and it’s just so beautiful.


After watching this, it’s official: I would trust Chris Damned with my life.


In this scene, Nate Grimes gives one of the best performances of the year, and I think he’s officially the 8th wonder of the world.


Surprise! There’s a little bit of plot with this scene, and I guess Nate was hiding some money up there. Fun.

Here’s more of Chris Damned fisting (and then fucking! but it’s like, OK, what’s the point of an 8-inch dick when you’ve already had an entire arm?) Nate Grimes on Bromo, which also includes some baseball bat action:

Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Bromo: Chris Damned Fists And Fucks Nate Grimes Bareback]

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