Church Of Scientology Petitions U.S. Supreme Court To Stop Danny Masterson Rape Victims From Suing

Posted July 22, 2022 by with 1 comment

The church of Scientology is being sued by actor Danny Masterson’s alleged rape victims (note that the case against the church is separate from Masterson’s criminal trial), and the sick fucks at the Hollywood cult are clearly scared of what’s about to come out. Via Deadline:

Despite failing in a California appeals court and being rejected by the Golden State’s Supreme Court, the David Miscavige-led organization has now petitioned SCOTUS to stop four of Masterson’s alleged victims from taking Scientology to court over a “vicious campaign of harassment against them.”

In documents filed in Washington, DC, this week (read them here), Scientology is saying it disagrees, asking SCOTUS to scrap the California Appellate court’s ruling.

Running almost parallel with Masterson’s criminal case, which is set to go to trial in October, this matter initially saw Scientology succeed in its efforts to compel arbitration in the immediate fallout to the lawsuit the four women launched in the summer of 2019 in L.A. Superior Court. Having alleged that the That 70s Show actor raped them in the first decade of the 21st century, all four women reported the assaults to the LAPD in 2016 and 2017.

In the blast radius of talking to the police and the ensuing investigation into the rape claims, all four women reported being harassed, stalked, digitally threatened and in one case having a pet die and their home attacked by Scientology members, agents or sympathizers.


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