Cop Shoots His Own Sergeant After Drunken Night At Bar: “I Thought He Was Going To Fucking Rape Me!”

Posted April 7, 2023 by with 16 comments

The 911 call in the below video is very sad and hard to listen to, and it sounds like the younger cop (above, left) was having a nervous breakdown. Of course, he just shot someone multiple times (the older cop on the right), so I can see why he’d be emotional. Whether or not an attempted rape was really happening will have to be proven in court, and while I’m skeptical when someone uses the term “grooming” (like the dad does in this report), I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the sergeant was guilty of exactly that, especially when you see the way he touches the cop in the video. Then again, I don’t think you can claim self-defense for shooting someone who touched you on the shoulder. Via WAVY in Virginia:

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