Gay Porn Rematch: Barron Fucks Finn’s Ass Bareback And Cums In His Mouth

Posted March 5, 2024 by with 1 comment

Third time’s the charm? I think so, but I could be biased, because CF’s “After Hours” videos are often my favorites.

Corbin Fisher’s Barron has fucked Finn twice before, but these two can’t get enough of each other, so it’s time for round three today, and as noted above, it’s an “After Hours” scene.

Quick question: Would you let Barron cum in your mouth just like this? There’s obviously no need to answer, I just wanted to torture you by putting the idea in your head 😉


More of the beautiful Barron and Finn at Corbin Fisher (reminder: to celebrate their 20th anniversary, Corbin Fisher memberships are 70% off using any link in this article):

Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[70% Off At Corbin Fisher: Barron Fucks Finn Bareback]

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