Couple Murdered By Hitmen After Attempting To Extort Texas Car Salesman Who Had Affair With Woman

Posted December 14, 2021 by with 5 comments

After a woman named Holly Williams had an affair with married Texas car salesman Erik Maund, she and her boyfriend attempted to extort Maund in exchange for keeping quiet about the affair. Maund did not like being fucked with, so he hired three hitmen to murder the couple. It was an elaborate scheme, and it’s hard to feel sorry for any of these people:

According to the indictment, Maund sometimes traveled to Nashville to visit a relative and in early February 2020, he emailed a woman, identified as Williams, with whom he had had a prior relationship, for the purpose of seeing her during his visit to Nashville on Feb. 5-7.

After his visit to Nashville, on March 1, 2020, Maund received a series of text messages from a person (William Lanway) who had a personal romantic relationship with Williams. Lanway demanded payment from Maund and threatened to expose his relationship with Williams if he did not receive it. Maund then enlisted the services of Peled, Brockway and Carey to assist with dealing with the threats to expose his relationships with Williams and the extortion demands.

A series of actions were then undertaken by Carey and others, including traveling from out of state to Nashville to watch Williams and Lanway, and creating and using a Pinger account to attempt to communicate with Williams and Lanway.

On March 11, 2020, Peled deposited $8,000 in cash into Speartip Security’s business account and $7,000 in cash into his personal bank account. The next day, Maund transferred $150,000, via wire, from his bank account to a bank account controlled by Peled. On that same day, Brockway and Carey, while armed with firearms, confronted Williams and Lanway in the parking lot of Williams’ apartment complex in West Nashville and murdered Lanway by shooting him multiple times. They then kidnapped Williams and drove her and the body of Lanway to a construction site on Old Hickory Boulevard in west Nashville, where they murdered Williams by shooting her several times. The bodies were then discarded at the construction site and within hours of the murder, the Pinger account used to communicate was deleted and a rental car rented by Brockway was returned.

The indictment also alleged that since March 11, 2020, Maund transferred more than $750,000, via wire, from his bank account to an account controlled by Peled, as payment to Peled, Brockway and Carey for the kidnapping and murders of Williams and Lanway.

How sick and how evil do you have to be to kill two people just to cover up an affair? Also, the dead couple are obviously idiots, but thinking you can get away with a double murder using wire transfers and multiple social media apps involving three hitmen makes the married man incredibly stupid, too.

All four men have been arrested and charged, and they each face life in prison. Maund (top left) and the three hitmen:

[WSMV: 4 arrested in connection with shooting deaths of two Nashville residents in 2020]

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