Court Transcripts Show Rudy Giuliani Told Alleged Rape Victim: “Come Here, Big Tits. Your Tits Belong To Me!”

Posted August 2, 2023 by with 8 comments

He’s so insane and so completely fucked (he was named as a co-conspirator in the Trump Jan. 6 indictment just yesterday), I forgot Giuliani was being sued for rape. Via Mediaite:

Court-certified transcripts revealing Rudy Giuliani made bizarre and alarming comments to his alleged rape accuser were made public on Wednesday as part of her lawsuit against him.

The transcripts of multiple encounters with Giuliani in 2019 were filed Tuesday as the legal team for his accuser Noelle Dunphy argued they should not be stricken from the record as Giuliani requested.

Image of Giuliani and the woman he raped:

It’s not exactly clear when or where the below conversations took place, but they were reportedly recorded, so they might be played in court if it gets to that stage. Here are court transcripts from multiple encounters between Giuliani and Dunphy:

“Come here, big tits. Come here, big tits. Your tits belong to me. Give them to me (indiscernible). I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. I want to claim my tits. These are my tits,” Giuliani told Dunphy on March 12, 2019, according to one transcript filed as a court exhibit.

“I want to own you, officially,” Giuliani told Dunphy according to a March 4, 2019 transcript, punctuated by her affirmative response. “Legally, with a document.”

“I can’t think about you or I get hard,” Giuliani told Dunphy, according to the transcript. “Even — even if I think about how smart you are, I’ll get hard. I’d never think about a girl being smart. If you told me a girl was smart, I would often think she’s not attractive.”

“Matt Damon is a f–. Matt Damon is also 5’2. Eyes are blue. Coochie-coochie-coochie-coo,” he said according to one transcript. Damon has been married to his current wife for nearly 20 years.

“Jews. They want to go through that freaking Passover all the time. Man, oh, man. Get over the Passover. It was like 3,000 years ago,” Giuliani said, according to an April 1, 2019 transcript. “Okay, the Red Sea parted. Big deal. Not the first time that happened.”


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