COVID Outbreak After Dancing With The Stars Premiere

Posted September 23, 2022 by with 3 comments

Sweet Christ, did you know this show was still on? Next, someone’s going to tell me that Grey’s Anatomy is still on the air, too. To be fair, Dancing With The Stars isn’t actually on TV, it’s on one of the stupid internet streaming services, so I guess it’s not really “on” like it used to be.

While I was shocked to read that some group of clowns is paying money to produce a new season of Dancing With The Stars, I was obviously not shocked to read that after the show’s premiere the other night, at least four people working on the show tested positive for COVID. Via Deadline:

The season 31 premiere of Dancing with the Stars may have gone off without a hitch, but the ongoing pandemic still managed to take some sparkle out of the mirror ball: at least four cases of Covid were reported after the show’s Sept. 19 premiere on Disney+.

A DWTS spokesperson told Deadline that all four individuals on the crew who tested positive work in “completely different departments that do not have in person contact with each other, based on our pod system.”

The show employs more than 300 production employees.

“Contact tracing was immediately conducted,” the spokesperson continued. “All close contacts were notified and put on an increased testing cadence. No close contact of the four positive production employees has since tested positive.”

The spokesperson went on to say that the “entire set has been disinfected and as an extra precaution, we asked the majority of employees to work from home.


The pandemic is raging on with no signs of stopping, and it’ll only be a matter of time before a new variant starts infecting millions more, maybe for the second, third, fourth, or fifth time. While some will of course die, many of those infected will sadly develop long-term health problems from the virus that the medical community still doesn’t fully understand. With that being said, thank God Dancing With The Stars disinfected their ballroom (where people are dancing cheek-to-cheek with no masks on).

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