Crowd Cheers Wildly For Lauren Boebert And Other Republicans Who Raise Hands When Asked If Ever Arrested

Posted January 26, 2024 by with 8 comments

Applause and celebration for being worthless and violent thugs! This is the Republican party. This is about 50% of Americans. Law and order! Now, imagine how that crowd of hicks would be responding if the people on the dais raising their hands were black and brown men…

Via Business Insider:

At her first primary debate in the new district in Colorado that she’s running for office in, Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert and five other candidates smiled and raised their hands when asked who’d ever been arrested.

Boebert tried to claim that her arrest was for an unpaid traffic violation, but that’s of course a lie. Via Colorado Times Recorder:

In fact, Boebert has been arrested multiple times and not for unpaid tickets.

For example, in 2016 Boebert rolled her truck on a rural road near Rifle. After her accident, she was given a ticket with a date for a mandatory hearing, which she skipped without informing the court. Then she ignored the court’s pleas to schedule a new hearing or possibly even settle the matter simply by “contacting the court.”

After four months of waiting, the Garfield County court finally arrested Boebert in February of 2017, and she landed briefly in jail, where she was fingerprinted and a mugshot was taken.

[Colorado Times Recorder]

Boebert’s mug shot, ICYMI:

Boebert was also arrested in 2015 when she yelled at a bunch of teens—who were themselves being arrested for underage drinking—to escape police and run away. She was arrested for disorderly conduct and didn’t appear for multiple hearings, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. Part of the police report (read in full here):

Lauren continued yelling and causing the underage drinkers to become unruly. Lauren’s behavior was becoming likely to cause a disorderly response from those in the area attending the concert.

Deputy Stuckenschneider advised Lauren two additional times that she needed to leave the area and stop causing a problem. Lauren continued her behavior and was advised she was being escorted off the property. Lauren said, ‘No I’m not’ and attempted to run away from our presence. Myself and Deputy Stuckenschneider took physical control of Lauren and advised her she was under arrest for disorderly conduct. Lauren was placed in handcuffs and escorted into the command post.

Lauren began yelling that we did not read her Miranda Rights and the arrest was illegal. Lauren was not asked any questions with the exception of identifying information. Lauren continued being uncooperative and refused to supply information such as her Social Security Number.

Lauren said multiple times that she had friends at Fox News and that the illegal arrest would be national news.

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