Dakota Wolfe Graduates From Taking Wrenches To Taking Fists

Posted May 11, 2015 by with 10 comments

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He already fucked himself with a wrench, and now it’s time for Dakota Wolfe to move on to something even bigger: An entire fist.


Dakota Wolfe makes his fisting porn debut today on ClubInfernoDungeon with performer Rogue Status. And perhaps not surprisingly, Rogue Status has absolutely no problem inserting his entire first into Dakota Wolfe’s asshole!

Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 3.52.49 PMIn fact, Dakota Wolfe’s asshole is so accommodating, Rogue Status is almost able to go elbow-deep!

ldaqbWhat’s next for Dakota Wolfe—a traffic cone?

Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ClubInfernoDungeon: Rogue Status Fists Dakota Wolfe]

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