Kidnapping Leads To Surprisingly Romantic Fuckfest For Justin Matthews And Damien Stone

Posted May 15, 2019 by with 7 comments

0004Justin Matthews might get kidnapped at the start of this scene (his kidnappers are well-meaning friends of Damien Stone, looking to cheer up a lovesick Damien by presenting him with a hot guy to fuck), but don’t worry, this has a happy ending. Before having sex, Justin reveals that he actually would’ve fucked Damien even without being kidnapped, and the two proceed to have consensual sex. (Who knew that people could be attracted to each other and make love without one of them being forced into it?!) Photos and trailer for this duo (’s best looking duo of the month so far) are down below.

0010 0011 0013 0014 0016 0017Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Damien Stone Fucks Justin Matthews]

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