Dave Chappelle Says He Won’t Be Bending To Anyone’s Demands Over The Closer Controversy

Posted October 25, 2021 by with 52 comments

I haven’t watched the Dave Chappelle stand-up comedy show, The Closer, so I can’t form an opinion on what he said. I don’t want to watch this show and I doubt I ever will (unless someone pays me to do so), because, in general, I think stand-up comedy is bad. (How egomaniacal/sociopathic must one be to get on stage in a giant room and make everyone laugh at them?)

The online summaries of The Closer from entertainment news sites (can they be trusted?) that I’ve read say that Chappelle said something to the effect of “gender is a fact,” which sounds true? (And yet, why is he talking about this in a stand-up comedy show? What about this is funny?) It’s a fact that there are males and there are females. It’s a fact that there are transgender men and women. It’s a fact that there are non-binary people who don’t identify as male or female. All of these human beings should be able to exist peacefully together without someone punching down on any of their genders (or non-genders) as part of a stand-up “comedy” show on Netflix. Again, I haven’t seen the show, but was Chappelle being dismissive of transgender people and their existence? If he was, that would obviously be bad (and really weird—why is this relevant to Dave Chappelle’s life, and what about it is funny?), which proves my point. Stand-up comedy is bad. Stay away from it.

Here’s Dave Chappelle addressing the controversy to a giant room full of people, saying that he will meet with trans people to discuss it all under certain conditions. This is stand-up comedy? It’s supposed to be part of his “act”? What is going on?

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