Democrats Retain Control Of Senate After Arizona And Nevada Wins

Posted November 12, 2022 by with 8 comments

Thank god. And if they can pull off the Georgia runoff win, the Dems will have 51 seats, and won’t have to rely on that fucking ghoul Joe Manchin. (Although, they still have to deal with worthless whore Kyrsten Sinema, sadly.) Via CNN:

Democrats will keep their narrow Senate majority for the next two years, CNN projects, after victories in close contests in Nevada and Arizona.

The party defied the historical trend of midterm elections breaking against parties in power and overcame anxiety over high inflation, cementing its majority as voters rejected Republican candidates who had aligned themselves with former President Donald Trump and in many cases parroted his lies about widespread election fraud.

Retaining Senate control is a huge boost to President Joe Biden over the remaining two years of his first term in the White House. It means Democrats will have the ability to confirm Biden’s judicial nominees – avoiding scenarios such as the one former President Barack Obama faced in 2016, when then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to hold a vote on his Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. It also means that Senate Democrats can reject bills passed by the House and can set their own agenda.


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