Disabled Nun Banned From Monastery After Admitting To Sexting Priest

Posted June 30, 2023 by with 8 comments

Via NYPost:

A disabled Texas nun was booted from her monastery for breaking her vow of chastity, but while she admits sexting with a priest, she maintains they were never physically intimate.

Rev. Mother Superior Teresa Agnes Gerlach, 43, — who uses a wheelchair and feeding tube — allegedly broke her vow of chastity at the monastery she ran in Arlington, Fort Worth Catholic Diocese lawyers alleged at a court hearing Tuesday.

“I made a horrible, horrible mistake,” Gerlach said in a recording played in court, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

“I was not in my right mind,” she told Fort Worth Bishop Michael Olson as he pressed her about the fling. “Even a nun can fall.”

In audio played in court, Gerlach admitted to getting frisky over the phone and via video chat, but said she had never met the man in question in person, according to the Fort Worth paper.

“Bishop, I need to tell you something. I don’t know how to explain this, but this did not happen in person. At all. It was all over the phone,” she confessed.

“I promise you, Bishop. At the time, I was having seizures, and I was really in a very difficult position. and I think my brain just got really messed up,” she said.


The nuns were suing the Diocese of Fort Worth (they even tried to pursue a criminal case, but it was closed), and their lawsuit was dismissed today. Here’s more on the drama between the nuns and the bishop during a court hearing earlier this week:

And here’s the priest with whom the nun was sexting:

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