Doctor Explains Why The Average Penis Size Is Much Smaller Than You Think

Posted December 18, 2021 by with 4 comments

brookscain33A doctor with millions of followers online named Anthony Youn recently took to his TikTok (of course) to explain why penises are probably nowhere near as large as the averages reported, likely because men aren’t sharing the true lengths of their dicks when asked to self-report their size. According to the doctor, most men are about 5 inches long when fully erect (or, roughly half the size of Sean Cody’s Brooks, as seen above). Via The Sun:

Replying to another TikTok video where a woman says she prefers the “average length” of 5 inches to something larger, Dr. Tony said: “Studies show that the average length of a man’s erect junk is 5.15 inches.

“But the real length is probably less than that because most men with small wieners probably wouldn’t consent to being involved in those studies.”

Joking with a fellow online medic who posts as @TheRealTikTokDoc, Dr. Tony added: ‘That means Dr. Ricky Brown probably isn’t in the first percentile like he thinks but probably more like the fifth.”

The clip had over 422,000 views and hundreds commented to thank the doctor for the information.

One wrote: “I feel better about myself now thank you.”

Researchers have previously admitted their conclusions on penis size may be skewed.

When the London clinic International Andrology asked 1,000 blokes about penis sizes, the responses found the average erect length in the UK is 6.36 inches. But when King’s College London researchers measured 15,000 penises in 2015, they found the average member when erect was 5.16in.

They didn’t rely on self-reporting, which can be biased.

[The Sun: I’m a doctor, and this is why the average penis size is SHORTER than you think]

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