Don Lemon Sexual Assault Case Dropped As Lying Accuser Blames Poor Memory

Posted May 3, 2022 by with 4 comments

Not much of a surprise, but a sad reminder of how easy it is for such sick, evil people to make ludicrous false claims that the right-wing—who had been trumpeting this story for years—will believe and promote. Via Deadline:

Almost three years after CNN anchor Don Lemon was accused of assaulting a man in a Sag Harbor, NY, bar in 2018, the incendiary lawsuit has ended in a whimper.

“After a lot of inner reflection and a deep dive into my memory, I have come to realize that my recollection of the events that occurred on the night in question when I first met CNN anchor Don Lemon were not what I thought they were when I filed this lawsuit,” said Dustin Hice in a full on retreat from his allegations of the assault and subsequent emotional distress against the CNN anchor in court and on conservative media. “As a result, I am dropping the case,” the short statement sent out by attorney Robert Barnes for Hice concluded.


And the statement from Don Lemon’s lawyer:

Thankfully Mr. Hice was finally able to access his memory and recollect the correct version of events on the night when he approached Don Lemon.

This has been a long and difficult journey for Don. Out of respect for the judicial process and my advice, he has had to remain silent in the face of a malicious and vulgar attack on his character. Unfortunately, being a gay Black man in the media, he has had to deal with these sorts of attacks for quite some time.

The Court’s ruling fully vindicates Mr. Lemon and brings an end to this abusive lawsuit. This case was a crass money grab from its inception. Mr. Lemon has never paid the plaintiff a dime over the course of this unfortunate spectacle, and he is looking forward to moving on with his life.

I hope that many in the media have learned their lesson on misreporting the facts and jumping to conclusions. The reporting on this story from many outlets has been a case study in unethical and uninformed reporting.

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