Donald Trump’s Spiritual Advisor Resigns As Megachurch Pastor After Admitting To Raping 12-Year-Old Girl

Posted June 18, 2024 by with 8 comments

Just a quick update to the story from yesterday about the Christian pastor and former Donald Trump “spiritual advisor” (lmao) Robert Morris, who admitted to raping a 12-year-old girl over and over again for several years: The Texas megachurch leader announced his resignation today.

As you’ll see in the clip below, it’s a truly unique kind of evil to watch the corporate-controlled media going out of their way to still protect Morris, labeling the rapes the victim describes as, “what she says happened,” even after Morris has literally admitted to sexually abusing her. And, jesus fucking christ, note how the church calls Morris’ rape of the child an “inappropriate relationship” in their statement, as seen at 2:20 in this CBS Texas report:

Given Morris’ relationship with Trump, I wonder if they traded any stories about all the little girls they raped, and I wonder who would give who better pointers or tips of the trade? Morris could talk about all the children in his church, and Trump could talk about Ivanka or the girls Epstein gave him. On the bright side, now that Morris has resigned, maybe he’ll end up blowing his brains out? One can hope.

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