Drama: Jussie Smollett Moved To Psych Ward

Posted March 13, 2022 by with 7 comments

Give it a few years (or, fuck, maybe a few months), and someone will be making a movie or limited series about this stunt queen’s whole ordeal. Via Deadline:

Authorities are apparently taking no chances on Jussie Smollett’s safety while incarcerated at the Cook County jail.

Reacting to Smollett’s outburst upon being sentenced Thursday for his conviction on charges related to drumming up a hate hoax. authorities have placed him in a psychiatric ward. That’s typically where high-profile prisoners are kept.

Smollett yelled to the courtroom upon his conviction that he was not suicidal and would not kill himself while in custody. The statement was seen as a nod to other famous and infamous inmates like Jeffrey Epstein and John McAfee, who both allegedly committed suicide while incarcerated.

“Jussie is currently in a psych ward at the Cook County Jail,” Jocqui Smollett said in a video posted to the Empire actor’s Instagram. “What’s very concerning is that there was a note attached to his paperwork today and put on the front of his jail cell saying that he’s at risk of self-harm.”

Jocqui added, “I want to just make it clear to folks that he is in no way, shape, or form at risk of self-harm. And he wants to let folks know that he is very stable, he is very strong, he is very healthy, and ready to take on the challenge that ultimately has been put up against him.”

[Deadline: Jussie Smollett Placed In Psych Ward At Cook County Jail, Brother Claims On Instagram]

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