Drunk And Naked Florida Woman Fingers Pussy, Destroys Red Bull Display, Threatens Gas Station Clerks With Vegetable Peeler

Posted January 30, 2024 by with 4 comments

Nothing too surprising about this one, although, where did she get the vegetable peeler? Thank god she didn’t shove it up her pussy. She used her fingers instead, and started masturbating when cops showed up, as TheSmokingGun reports:

Investigators allege that Celia Barrett, 35, caused a drunken disturbance Sunday evening at a RaceTrac in St. Petersburg, Florida.

As detailed in a series of criminal complaints, after Barrett, peeler in hand, showed up at the store around 6:40 pm, she threatened two workers, one of whom told police that Barrett said she would kill him.

Barrett proceeded to topple and break a display of Red Bull energy drinks and spill cigarettes from a carton she tore open.

When officers arrived at the RaceTrac, Barrett was still inside (and still naked). “Prior to being taken into custody [Barrett] began masturbating in front of deputies,” a cop reported.


The vegetable peeler was said to be “sharp,” which would explain the aggravated assault charge. More details on the arrest report and the woman, who was previously arrested for prostitution, here.

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