Drunk And Pill-Popping Rudy Giuliani Sued For Sexual Harassment, Ordered Victim To Suck His Dick While Speaking On The Phone To Trump
This is perhaps the least surprising news I’ve ever heard, given what a horrifyingly deranged ghoul he’s always been. And yet, hearing the details still makes me violently ill. Via CBS:
Can’t wait to hear the audio recordings.
More via DailyNews (might want to have a barf bag handy):
Noelle Dunphy, a business consultant who worked for Giuliani from January 2019 through 2021 when he was then-President Trump’s lawyer, announced her intention to sue him in January.
Dunphy’s 70-page suit cites multiple audio recordings and accuses Giuliani, 78, in graphic detail of subjecting her to sexual assault and harassment throughout her employment, forcing her to engage in “violent sex” and attend work video conferences naked and work in short shorts he bought printed with an American flag.
“He often demanded oral sex while he took phone calls on speaker phone from high-profile friends and clients, including then-President Trump. Giuliani told Ms. Dunphy that he enjoyed engaging in this conduct while on the telephone because it made him ‘feel like Bill Clinton,’” reads Dunphy’s suit.