Drunken Justin Timberlake Spends Night In Jail After DWI Arrest, Swerving On Wrong Side Of Road And Running Through Stop Sign

Posted June 18, 2024 by with 32 comments

The Super Bowl performance in which he ripped off Janet Jackson’s clothes and exposed her nipple was 20 years ago, but this is a nice reminder that karma never forgets. A drunken Justin Timberlake was arrested last night in New York on a DWI charge, and after spending the night in jail, he was arraigned this morning and released on his own recognizance. Photo of a handcuffed and truly wretched-looking Timberlake (click the pic to enlarge—yikes) being led out of his cell and into court this morning via DailyMail:


And, they’ve just released Justin Timberlake’s mug shot:

After refusing the breathalyzer but failing the field sobriety test, cops determined that Timberlake, who demanded Britney Spears get an abortion after he impregnated her in the late 1990’s, was drunk, so they locked him up for the night and charged him with the misdemeanor DWI. Timberlake had bloodshot and glassy eyes, slurred speech, smelled of booze, and was seen swerving on the wrong side of the road after running a stop sign before he was arrested in the Hamptons. He was driving a 2025 BMW and told cops he only had “one drink,” and he’s due back in court next month. Because he refused the breathalyzer, Timberlake had his driving privileges in New York automatically suspended.

Per the New York Post, the cop who pulled Timberlake over didn’t know who he was and didn’t even recognize his name. When Timberlake muttered, “This is going to ruin the tour,” the cop replied, “What tour?” To which Timberlake replied, “The world tour.”

Someone of his age and wealth driving himself around while drunk speaks perfectly to the longstanding idiocy, entitlement, and recklessness of so many celebrities, particularly well-known dicks like Timberlake. Of course, he’ll only receive a tiny fine and perhaps some mild form of probation in New York, and that’ll be it. More via ABC:

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