Seven People React To The Insane Hotness Of Elijah Alexander

Posted July 22, 2014 by with 15 comments


Elijah Alexander makes his Randy Blue debut today in a duel solo scene, and people are having some very strong reactions to what he looks like. For example, when I look at him, I can’t breathe.

Here are seven other people reacting to Elijah Alexander.







Elijah Alexander’s solo debut is kind of a duo, sort of. Based on the “to be continued” message at the end of his scene (trailer below) with fellow newcomer Scotty Marx, it looks like he’s going to be having gay sex for the first time–probably later this week–at which point my official reaction will be:

tumblr_mfioy7x2Kg1qda3too1_400Here’s the trailer (watch full scene here):

[Randy Blue: Elijah Alexander & Scotty Marx Stroke Their Cocks Together]


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