Elon Musk And Mark Zuckerberg Agree To “Cage Fight”

Posted June 22, 2023 by with 5 comments

I guess this stemmed from Zuckerberg’s plans to launch another social media site that will compete with Musk’s Twitter? Everyone on earth has already said this or wished for this, but obviously the best possible outcome would be for them to bludgeon each other to death. Sadly, I doubt they have the skills to accomplish even that. Via BBC:

Two of the world’s most high-profile technology billionaires – Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg – have agreed to fight each other in a cage match.

Mr Musk posted a message on his social media platform Twitter that he was “up for a cage fight” with Mr Zuckerberg.

Mr Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta, then posted a screenshot of Mr Musk’s tweet with the caption “send me location”.

Mr Musk then replied to Mr Zuckerberg’s response with: “Vegas Octagon.”

The Octagon is the competition mat and fenced-in area used for Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) bouts. The UFC is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.


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