Excerpt From Pool Boy’s Memoir On Sex With The Falwells: “She Wasn’t Wearing Any Panties”
A lengthy excerpt from pool boy Giancarlo Granda’s upcoming memoir (there’s also a documentary coming out, so he’s obviously milking this for all its worth) was published today on Rolling Stone, but here’s a snippet detailing the first time he ate Becky Falwell’s pussy and she sucked his cock, while Jerry Falwell stood by and watched:
I kissed Becki, and she was practically vibrating. I picked her up and carried her over to the second bed. She was surprisingly light. She wasn’t wearing any panties, which is the kind of thing that makes an impression on you at twenty, and she half whispered, “Our rule is anything but intercourse,” meaning no penetration. I nodded that was fine. I went down on her, and when she finished, she told me, “My turn. Lay back.”
At some point, Jerry got up and walked to the side of the bed to get a better angle. I had a moment of near panic, thinking, What is he doing? and I told him to back off—not in a hostile way, just establishing some boundaries. He apologized and quickly walked back toward the entrance and stood right outside the bathroom. After that I was able to put blinders on and block him out. Becki rarely lost eye contact with me, but for all her forwardness, she seemed submissive in the moment, eager to please.