Exclusive: Daniel Greene Responds To News Of His Divorce From Dacotah Red: “I’m Not Here To Play The Blame Game”
Following last month’s shocking revelation that gay porn stars Dacotah Red and Daniel Greene have been married for the last two years—and that they’re now in the process of getting divorced—Daniel Greene has come forward today to share his thoughts on how he’s handling the dissolution of his marriage.
In a statement to Str8Up—which reads more like a letter to his soon-to-be ex-husband—Greene tells Red that “your lies came crashing and burning right in front of your face,” and he goes on to accuse the NextDoorStudios star of “running from the military” while going “AWOL.” In a follow-up clarification to Str8Up, Greene claims that Red was “wanted by the military for about a year,” and that he was “lying to just about everyone in his personal life and at NextDoor.”
Here’s Daniel Greene’s full statement:
I’m still struggling to wrap my brain around the fact that my marriage, let alone my divorce, has been somehow exposed to the industry, but due to the severity of the accusations that stand I have been pondering my approach to address the situation.
I chose to not nag on the facts that our marriage was rushed. The reality is it happened, and it was such a greater learning experience than just knowing how to pace yourself within all relationships. We made a vow to do our best to hold each other accountable in becoming the best human beings possible for ourselves, each other, and our families. Providing endless amounts of unconditional love and support. As a person that is constantly looking for optimal growth, I reflect on many of my actions, and how moving forward in my life I choose to do better.
You ran from the military for many understandable reasons. Instead of choosing to lean on your husband and family for support. You made a choice. A choice to try and create a life that left the mess and destruction we created behind. Lacking any effort to make it work, and/or confronting our legal obligations to each other.
Come the beginning of 2021 you found yourself reaching out to me. Reaching out because your lies came crashing and burning right in front of your face. Due to the fact that we were still legally married I was the most capable of contacting state and federal agencies. Ensuring your individual rights were being protected. I’m at peace knowing you came out of the military, your AWOL, all the turmoil, with your head held high, and with a bold demeanor. I will always want the best for the both of us as individuals even when I’m not always sure what that might be. This is not a “developing story.” I’m not here to play some form of a blame game. I’m here in hopes to portray the reality that our marriage has greater complexity beyond any blog post, and anyone that would take something as sacred as a marriage with such a surface level idea is living in pure ignorance. This is my marriage, and it’s hard for me to talk about more often than not. I hope moving forward people can respect the privacy I try to keep, and know this isn’t a game of throwing stones. This is a time for us to heal and find our peace.
With regard to Red’s accusation that Greene stole $8,000 from him, Greene has issued another statement below (this was not part of his initial response above), and in it, he neither confirmed nor denied the allegation. Here’s that response:
Our financial affairs should never be public. It’s extremely tacky, and a grasp for air to slander my reputation. Things are said out of anger, and I’m doing my due diligence to find common ground between each other.
Divorce proceedings between Dacotah Red and Daniel Greene are ongoing, and their next court date is in July.