Exclusive: Gay Porn Star Gabriel Shams Performs “Booty Bump” Show On Cam4
Unless he was taking a liquid suppository or playing around with an empty syringe, it appears that former Randy Blue porn star turned escort and budding bareback performer Gabriel Shams just did a live booty bump on Cam4. Judge for yourself in the screen caps below.
First, Gabriel’s partner showed off a syringe for the viewers:
It’s obviously unclear whether or not there was crystal meth in that syringe, but what else do people inject into their assholes during a live show on Cam4?
Next, he moved Gabriel into position and inserted the syringe:
Once it was far enough in, Gabriel’s partner then pressed the syringe plunger all the way down, injecting whatever was inside the syringe into Gabriel’s asshole:
He left the syringe inside for several more seconds, ensuring that everything went where it was supposed to go:
Finally, Gabriel’s partner withdrew the empty syringe (it should be noted that nothing came out of Gabriel’s ass):
Then, Gabriel rolled over and started chatting with his viewers. Less than five minutes later, he turned off his cam and the show ended.
Booty bumps are done without a needle, but the procedure itself can still make you extremely susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases (not to mention the horrific effects crystal meth has on your overall health). Via Tweaker.org:
Booty Bumping
How it’s done:
There are two ways this works. In the first, think turkey baster! With some acrobatics thrown in for good measure. The crystal is dissolved in water and a syringe without the needle is used to “bump” this solution of crystal into your butt hole. The other way is to push a small shard or a fingertip covered with powdered crystal into your butt. Either way, the drug is absorbed by the blood vessels in the lining of the rectum.Time to get off: about 3-5 minutes.
Things to watch out for:
If you bottom after booty bumping, you’re likely to have something besides your absorbent blood vessels and his big dick up your butt. You’re also gonna have an abrasive powder which can increase chances for internal abrasion and condom breakage. If there’s no condom on that dick, the risk for abrasions both in your rectum and on his dick goes up. This increases the chance for exchange of blood. Damage to the mucous membranes that line your rectum, like burning or tearing, can put you at higher risk of giving or getting HIV and other STDs.
This wouldn’t be the first time a gay porn star made news for putting crystal meth in his asshole, as just last month Bruno Knight was arrested at LAX after allegedly trying to smuggle a half-pound of the illegal drug in his anus. And, this isn’t the first time a gay porn star has appeared to do illegal drugs live on the internet. Several years ago, gay porn star Jeremy Jordan was frequently seen smoking what appeared to be crystal meth while performing Cam4 shows:
Cam4 has repeatedly claimed that they do not allow their performers (with whom they share revenue) to engage in illegal activities while using their service.